Happy 2 weeks baby Kie!
(no I won't be wishing him a 'happy how many weeks' every week, but I am just amazed how time is flying by!) Slow down!!! I want my baby to forever stay a baby!
The picture above was one of my last pregnancy photos. It was on Justin's birthday (just a few days before Kie arrived!)
I am going to post after body pictures soon (for motivation). BEWARE! ;)
Though I really won't be able to fully exercise for 3 months! (No ab workouts at least until then.)
ANYWAY, in 14 days I've lost 17 lbs. Strictly breast feeding!
Whoo hoo! That's a lil over a lb a day!
I do miss my big round belly, it looked so good compared to my deflated (no muscle) belly.
So me and Kie have had a productive day.
My OCD crazy self had to clean the entire house (minus cleaning floors/vacuuming since that is a bit more strenuous.)
And no, my wonderful husband doesn't expect me to clean. But I am crazy about being organized and CLEAN! I sleep better knowing my house is put together and smelling of Pin-Sol and Pledge. No worries, I make sure baby is far away from cleaning fumes!
Also, last night Baby Kie slept alone from 1:40am to 5:30 am! He slept in his pack n' play beside our bed--and not in our arms!-- So that meant, the first time in 2 weeks me and Justin got to share a bed together! I missed cuddling with him :) And on these cold nights I've been missing having a warm body near me. Yes Baby is usually with me or Justin, but I am usually sleeping sitting up on couch or in recliner.
Well, I am actually cooking dinner --Shrimp Gumbo-- tonight for the first night since we had Kie.
So I gotta get to that!
Until next time,
Momma and Baby
Daddy saying Happy 2 weeks! |
Congratulations! He is so cute! Hold him as much as you can. This is a magical time.