Monday, November 5, 2012

Busiest week yet and baby bullet points!!

I have been wanting to blog but like I mentioned in my previous post...I've not had the time.
Seriously, moms with newborns and TWO YEAR OLDS, how did you manage?
(we're managing really great, it's just there is NO resting/down time and always something to do so blogging will take the furthest backseat!)
--You know, there's the never ending laundry, diapers to change, babies to feed and toddler meals to make--oh and there's a house to manage, a husband to tend to, my writing and editing I've not done and then there's that sexy post-partum body I have to face and sometimes a mom likes to use the potty....Oh hey!!

In reality, life is amazing. I am SO blessed. In fact--my heart is so full at times that I just want to cry.

I love being a mom of two.
I love having TWO boys.
In fact, I told my doctor I'd love a 3rd if I knew it was a boy.
(I'd love girls too but as of now I'm only a mom to boys so it's all I know.)

I just wanted to share our busy week and I PROMISE to share our birth story....
It's been half way written but I can't sit longer than 5 minutes (or have 5 minutes with my brain on) to finish it.

Also, can't wait to post my post-baby body plans!

First, let's back up and rewind ONE week and see what all has gone bullets!
  • I went into labor and had my beautiful son! (Blessed delivery!)
  • Less than 48 hrs later, it was my husband's birthday! --had a fun night spending it in the hospital. All the nurses and doctors loved Justin--so they made a great effort to make him feel special. Needless to say, having your son (named after you) is a pretty awesome birthday gift.
  • Discharged on Monday night--first night home with my boys *and mom* Thank goodness
  • Halloween--Kie went trick or treating in our neighborhood. It was adorable! Pictures to come.
  • Kie's Second Birthday!!! Such a special day. Really loved how the day centered around Kie (and family) and not some massive party....low key=great for this post-op mom.
  • Getting deathly ill from my pain meds, resulting in an emergency doctor visit. I've been healing is not for the faint of heart.
  • Early voting drama
  • Converting Kie's crib to a day bed=SUCCESS (I can't lift him for 3 weeks-and my husband has no paternity leave.) Last minute plans and they worked out great. Kie loves his new bed...
  • TODAY is my FIRST DAY ALONE. NO HUSBAND, NO MOM. (This is when you wish your mom was not 6 hours away.)
Overall, the day has been great. I realize it's not yet noon.....but since I went to bed at 4:30am--and up by 7:30am--I feel like I've had a full day already.

ALSO a few bullet points on New Baby:
  • Yes, he has a name. I was going to make a huge big post on HIS name and why we chose it. I still may. Yes, he is named after Justin but that's just part of it). His name is Justin Kix and he'll go by Kix. Just like Kie goes by his middle name. And I'll explain soon! 
  •  Kix is seriously an easy baby.
  • Makes me want to have another. (Not anytime soon)
  • He was born weighing more than I expected, 7lbs 5oz but was discharged at 6lbs 9oz. Doctors think he was mis-weighed--because he lost so much.
  • He has already gained 9oz from Monday to Friday (we went to three doctor appointments last week--talk about a juggling act.) Regardless, lil man loves to eat.
  • I've loved nursing a newborn!!!! I've missed it. It's such a special bond...and thankfully my milk came in Sunday night.
  • Lil man loves to teetee out of his diaper. We change clothes just as much as we change diapers. That's a boy for you.
  • He sleeps during the day and is partying at night. I actually don't mind it--because it's our alone time. And during the day, I get to be with Kie.
  • I sleep---mainly during the hours of 4:30-7:30am. It's been working somehow.
  • I forgot how amazing newborns smell.
  • Did I mention I already want another baby? (Not now...down the road.)
  • Seeing my husband holding Kix and having Kie sitting by him, melts my heart.
  • I'm a lucky girl to have such handsome men in my house....seriously, so lucky.
  • Oh & Kie LOVES his brother. He always wants to kiss him or to "HOLD IT!" lol
  • I can't wait to see them grow up being best friends...
  • My heart is swooning if you can't tell.

But it will have to wait.

in a week I've lost 20lbs. 
(water weight)
I still have 26 more to go.

Oh and I invested in a dual camera system...

I have one in Kie's room and one on New Baby's bed in our room.
I am usually always with ONE baby but it's great to have it when Kie disappears into his room--

Alright yall, hope everyone is doing amazing!
I am.

Btw, wanted to share this sweet text.
I texted my husband this morning saying:

"No good luck text message for me this morning?"
(first day without mom. He also leaves for work before 6am and he is kind enough not to wake me.)

His reply:
"You don't need any luck, you're going to do great. Love you. Have a fun day with our amazing boys."

Aw, it made my day! Hope everyone is well!
Happy MONDAY!! :)


justin kix knuth

1 comment:

  1. Oh my lanta, he is ADORABLE! And I think it's still hormones (how long can I blame them, anyhow??) but the text made me teary. So sweet. Also, isn't it amazing how your body works? I lost 29 pounds in the first week and at 2 and a half weeks post delivery I was already in my old jeans. They're a little tighter... but they fit! I have plenty of work to do.


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