Justin really spoiled me!
He was so excited about the gift he got me, that he INSISTED I open it on Friday.
*He does this with about EVERY gift he gets me.*
My mother's day present was a NEW CAMERA!
Whoo hoo!
No more going to Sears for expensive,
I now am a proud owner of a Canon Rebel T3i! And I got an extra lens!
I love, LOVE it!
I'm so glad and relived to have a decent, fast camera to take some great pictures of my baby! (And future one!)
As for that weekend....I woke up Saturday to having my favorite breakfast in bed.
One blueberry pancake and a California omlettee from Kerbey Lane.
SO, so good.
(I don't eat it all...but I like to have something sweet and something semi healthy)
Justin gave me a few hours in the morning to be a bit lazy and have some "me time."
We then spent the day playing and going to the pool so Kie could splash in the water.
Then Sunday Justin had breakfast for me again in bed. And Starbucks!
I also got the sweetest card from BOTH Justin & Kie.
Kie signed his name--and then he decided to sign his name on the living room wall....so, so sweet!
I also got a beautiful orchid!
I've always wanted one!
I love how my husband listens when I least expect him to be....
(In Home Depot the previous weekend I mentioned how I always wanted an orchid.)
After YET again another great breakfast and presents--we got ready and went to church.
The sermon WAS AMAZING.
And reminded me how important of a role it is to be a mother.
And how hard of a job we have it in this society that is geared to all things worldly.
It just inspired me more to be a better Christian mother and wife--so that I can raise up my children on the right path.
Seriously mommas, we have a tough road ahead. Especially in a world that praises BAD behavior and promotes sex.
If this next child is a daughter....
She'll be LUCKY if she gets a phone OR a computer by the age of 18.
I'm not having a double standard for my kids, even Kie won't have his own personal computer or phone till WAY later in life--but with a girl, I'm just extra worried.
I feel as though girls have more pressure to look and act a certain way.
ANYWAY---(let me get off my soap box before I get TOO carried away!)
We had lunch at one of my favorite Mexican restaurants after church and we spent the rest of the day in the back yard---relaxing and enjoying the beautiful weather.
I also played around with my new camera.
**This is why I LOVE Austin, Texas**
We have amazing weather---and the perfect place to be is on the patio or a deck, in some shade with a nice big drink of your choice.
Mine, just happens to be ice cold lemon water :)
--I may put this is the SECOND best place to be in Austin...
the first being on our boat on the lake!
I don't want time to fly, but I can't imagine the great fun we'll have when our kids are a bit grown and can enjoy wakeboarding and tubing!
I love how Justin is such a water guy.
And already how Kie loves it too.
He already goes *UNDER* water at 18 months.
--He does this voluntarily!
Crazy brave baby.
So the weekend was great--and it was so relaxing and nice.
Just me and my two boys.
THIS weekend, was FAR-FAR different than last weekend.
And I'll have a post with TONS of pictures to share soon.
Stay tuned!
Until next time,